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32nd Annual Knights of Columbus Spelling Bee Contest!


Congratulations to all of the participants in this year’s Knights of Columbus Annual Spelling Bee Contest! Students competed in classroom contests, with the top three spellers in each grade moving to last night’s round.

Twelve students, from 5th through 8th grades, gathered in the Rec Center on Tuesday, February 27, 2024, for this annual contest.

This was the 32nd Annual Knights of Columbus Spelling Bee Contest, hosted by the Brownson Council #1030. Tom Kaiser, Grand Knight, led the event with Sir Knight Luis Cuevas, Sir Knight Dan Tucci, and Brother Knight William O’Donnell judging.

St. Viator Elementary School thanks the Brownson Council K of C members. We are grateful that our students have this opportunity to flex their spelling skills.

We also thank Fr. Ben for continuing the relationship between Sts. Viator and Wenceslaus Parish and the Knights of Columbus!

And thank you to Dr. Rieger and Mr. Slawik, for representing our school and coordinating the logistics so the night went well. Mr. Slawik once again served as the official "pronouncer", announcing the words to the competitors with aplomb.

The bee was full of spelling talent. This year’s competition ran twice as many rounds as last year!

It was great to see familiar students in the line up, but even more exciting to see first-time participants!

Congratulations to the top three finishers! Ava P. (6th) and Elizabeth H. (7th) were both knocked out in the 10th round. This tied them as Second Place Finishers! For the eleventh round, Amelia T. (6th) successfully spelled “rutabaga” for the win and the First Place Spot! These three students now advance to the Knights of Columbus Regional Spelling Bee Contest in March. We know they will make St. Viator proud!

The Knights of Columbus, Brownson Council, hosts many events in and around Sts. Viator and Wenceslaus Parish. For Lent, the Knights of Columbus will host a movie night with a showing of the film The Way. Join them on Saturday, March 16, at 6:30PM in the Parish Hall. Pizza, popcorn, snacks, and light refreshments will be served! Be sure you check back on the St. Viator Elementary School website and socials for updates on the next round of the K of C Spelling Bee Contest!

We are Peace Builders; We are Eagles; We are St. Viator…S-T-V-I-A-T-O-R - ST. VIATOR!


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