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8th Grade Moves One Step Closer...


Our 8th Grade Class continues to prepare for graduation! They just attended their 8th Grade Retreat, where they spent the day reflecting and discussing some of the life challenges they will face after graduation.

The retreat was led by Mary P., a current parishioner here at Sts. Viator & Wenceslaus, and a former Catholic School Educator.

The students completed a variety of activities, ranging from positive affirmations, to reflecting on experiences, and even some juggling!

Juggling God, Friends, and School

The retreat was a mindful, safe, and fun space for students. Everyone's energy is turning toward the end of the year, but this was a great reminder to the students that they have collected many "tools" during their years here at St. Viator Elementary School. After graduation, they will put those tools to good use!

Thank you to Mrs. Bloom and Mary P. for making the 8th Grade retreat a great day for the students. Thanks to all of the parents, teachers, and community members who continue preparing the 8th Grade students for graduation and beyond! Go Eagles!

We are Peace Builders; We are Eagles; We are St. Viator!


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