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A Full Final Week


There were so many things happening at St. Viator Elementary School, even though it was our last week of school! Everyone is excited for summer; everyone is walking around feeling good!

Monday Morning Assembly

We started our week with the morning assembly, as usual. The birthday list included all of the summer birthdays - what a group!

Dr. Rieger also told everyone about the Ss. Viator Wenceslaus Corpus Christi Procession. It sounds like the start of a great tradition, and we look forward to next year!

Award Ceremony

We told you how we started our week with the annual Award Ceremony. Everyone was energized after the hearing about the hard work put in by their St. Viator classmates.

Send Off and Graduation

We shared how we sent off the 8th grade class with a school wide "clap out" on Monday afternoon. The official graduation was later that day, in a beautiful ceremony in the St. Viator church.

Father Ben and Dr. Rieger led the celebration, with Mrs. Bloom speaking, and the Valedictorian and Salutatorian adding their speeches. Congratulations, graduates! And best wishes for next year!

Field Days

Many classes held Field Days and headed outside.

They chalked the sidewalk, played kickball and soccer, and generally enjoyed some time out of their classrooms.

Principal for the Day

We welcomed Andy from the 5th grade as our "Principal for the Day". Principal Andy worked in the Main Office with Dr. Rieger, then conducted some classroom visits. In the afternoon he treated the faculty and staff to a Dunkin' Donuts beverage. Well done, Principal Andy!

3rd Annual Science Fun Fair

Mrs. Bloom led the 6th grade students in a carnival-style science fair.

They built games with a science theme, then invited the 3rd, 4th, and 5th grades to come through to play and learn.

Such a fun way for the visiting students to learn some science!

The 6th graders learned their own lessons while creating and researching their games.

PreK-4 Graduation

Our 4 year old students are moving into Kindergarten!

Next year, they will don the St. Viator uniform and join the "big kids".

Ms. Elizabeth and Mrs. North prepared their students well so they are ready to move up!

Kindergarten Graduation

The Kindergarten class celebrated their graduation! Mrs. Donegan and Ms. Lily led their class through the year, posting up some of the strongest i-Ready scores in the school! All of the students are looking forward to moving up to1st Grade on the second floor! Congratulations Kindergarten!

Wrapping up SY '23-'24

Besides all of these activities, many of the classrooms held individual celebrations. St. Viator Elementary School has much to celebrate, as we are ending this school year with many successes. We are celebrating strong i-Ready scores, showing individual development and collective success. We are sending our graduates off to some of the best high schools in Chicago. We will leave the building with an attitude of gratitude, embracing all of the good things from the 2023-2024 school year! We wish you and yours all the best - have a safe and happy summer break!

Photos were contributed by Huguette Cogan, Victoria McGinty, William Teeple, and Donald Slawik. Thank you everyone for contributing photos to this article.

We are Peace Builders; We are Eagles; We are St. Viator!


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