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Beginning to "Master the Mouse"


Mr. Slawik, our dedicated Media Studies teacher, shared these pictures of the 3 year old preschool class in the Computer Lab. The students were completing a color blocking exercise for practice using the mouse. The computers in the Computer Lab are desktop units with monitors, mice, and keyboards, providing students a chance to work on a different style of computer, other than a tablet.

The 7th grade came in to assist the preschool students. Mr. Slawik reported that by the end of class, no one needed the help!

All St. Viator Elementary School students take Media Studies as one of their "Specials". Other Specials include Library, Physical Education, and World Language (1st - 8th).

Mr. Slawik sets the age-appropriate assignments for the students, then monitors them while they complete the work. Specials are scheduled in the morning, so all preschool students, whether Full-Day or Half-Day, can participate in the classes.

If you have questions about St. Viator Elementary School, please contact us! William Teeple, Admissions Director, is available to answer your elementary school questions. We are hosting an Open House on January 25th, 2025, to kick off our Catholic Schools Week celebration - call us to get your name on the list for a school tour.

We are Peace Builders; We are Eagles; We are St. Viator!


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