Today is School Principals' Day, a reminder to thank the educational leaders who look after our children. Since July of 2018, Dr. Lisa Rieger has led the St. Viator Elementary School Faculty and Staff in the work they do to make St. Viator a welcoming and safe school.

Dr. Rieger takes a pastoral approach to her leadership. She leans on her Catholic Faith to guide her, and encourages others to engage their faith as well.

Dr. Rieger is supportive of the St. Viator Community. You will find her in the classrooms, at school activities, and attending fundraising events. She embraces all facets of the community!

We appreciate our principal, Dr. Rieger every day. Today we say "thank you" to Dr. Rieger for her continuous work on behalf of St. Viator Elementary School. Be sure you thank her too!

Happy School Principals' Day Dr. Rieger!
We are Peace Builders; We are Eagles; We are St. Viator!